Anything goes here, as long as it's film/video, and an original creation.
They say that the best way to get good at something is to do it every day. These are every-day video projects; not meant to be master-pieces. Think of it like doodling on video instead of paper...
Documentary Film Trailer: "The Roxster" using iMovie Adrenaline, and using only photography stills.
Created: March 2013
A simple trailer called "The Most Camera-Shy Dog In the World." Made with iMovie Blockbuster, just for the heck of it.
Created: May 2013
A tribute to my Grandmother using photographs from her life, from 1918 to 2012. This one is dedicated to my family.
Created: May 2013
This is what I used in the early 80's to edit film. We've come a long way.