FilmInfinitum Presents

Two-Minute Promo

Two-Minute Promo is a video production service for professionals who wish to have a short promotional video of themselves on the internet. It is a perfect addition to one's website, and great for attracting new clients and gaining referrals.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth even more!

If you're a professional who provides a business service, when it comes to marketing - it's you that your clients and customers are ultimately buying. It's your brand, your image, your personality that is attracting people to do business with you.

You want to help clients, customers, prospects, and colleagues really understand who you are and what you do. Here, you can explain your services exactly the way you want your message to be told with your own online "commercial."

Having a promotional video on the internet is like having a salesperson working for you around the clock. Think how easy it is for someone to watch it, and in an instant - send it to someone else!

Here's what we do:

STEP ONE: The Script
Take some notes about what you want to say. No more than two pages (double-spaced). This will eventually become your script. Break it out into sections so that each section is only about 2 or 3 sentences long. Then email your final script to us. We'll format it into cue cards that you can read during the shoot.

Not sure what to say? Your script can be your bio. Or, you can talk about who your ideal clients are and how you can help them. Or, you can answer some frequently-asked-questions that come up in your work. Or, you can talk about some common objections, then overcome them. The ideas are endless...

STEP TWO: Scheduling
Make an appointment with us for your video shoot, and plan to spend a couple hours. Video shoots are done during daylight hours.

STEP THREE: Wardrobe

Show up for your appointment with your professional attire. It's best to wear a dark color, and it's important to not wear the color green. You can usually dress however you want below the waist, since our work is primarily done with medium-shots above the waist. It's best to wear comfortable, soft-sole shoes.

STEP FOUR: Shooting
On the Director's instructions, speak to the camera. Read your scripted material from our custom cue cards. The Director will coach you along to help you with your delivery. It won't all be done in one take. We'll work on one section of your material at a time. It usually takes several attempts to get the delivery and the wording just right. The Director works closely with you to help you feel relaxed and comfortable during this stage of the work.

STEP FIVE: Graphics & Titles
Before you go, let the Director know what graphics you want to show in your promo video (for example, a logo if you have one, a picture of you working, a photo of your office, a graph that illustrates what you're saying, a page from a PowerPoint presentation, and so on). Graphics or photo files will need to be emailed to the Director right away for editing. Also, the Director will ask you to write down the exact wording of titles or credits you want to have in your promo video.

STEP SIX: Editing
Production is over, and now editing begins. This is the part that takes a little while to complete. Once the first draft is ready, it will be sent to you for your review. Minor revisions can be made at this stage, such as changing the wording on a title, cutting out a piece of the video, using different background music, or changing the background image.

STEP SEVEN: Final Copy
When the video is final, you will be sent a QuickTime (.mov) file. With this file, you are free to upload your video to your own website, to YouTube, and to any other site you see fit (i.e. LinkedIn, Vimeo, Facebook, etc.).

Promotional Video for US Facilities Lighting, Inc.

Internal Communications Video for Company Kick-Off Meetings

"Selfie" promotional video for my recruiting business in the financial services industry.

We're in the process of adding additional Two-Minute Promo video samples. Please stay tuned...

Get all the professional exposure you desire for your business by using your video as a marketing tool. In addition to posting your video on your web site and social media sites, include your video link in all your marketing materials, announce your video by sending an email to your contact list, and add your video link to your email signature.

Two-Minute Promo ........................................................................................................$2,000
Includes: In-studio video shoot (located in south Orange County) with coaching & directing to help you come off like a pro; editing including titles and credits; and your final QuickTime file in .mov universal video format.

Note: The completed video project can be up to three minutes long, to account for titles and credits, but the main video with the subject speaking is no longer than two minutes. (If you talk any longer than that, you'll risk losing your audience.)

The video subject is responsible for his/her own wardrobe, hair, make-up, and content.

Payment for a Two-Minute Promo production is 50% upfront due on (or prior to) shooting day. When the project is complete, and the client has given his/her final approval, the remaining 50% is due. The .mov file is sent to client upon receipt of final payment.

Most clients are comfortable with the ease and convenience of viewing their work-in-progress video on The video is posted as an "unlisted" video, which means that only people who are given the link can view it. The video-proof is only out there on the internet for a short time, long enough for you to review it. When the project is complete, the video-proof is removed from the YouTube site.

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